By: Mr. Dan Benedict
       Senior Adviser in science and technology for president Eddy Dishueme(V.I.P.)

Vision Statement for the DR Congo
Eddy Dishueme has a vision for the People of DR Congo.
He has Dreams and Goals to bring prosperity to his country.
He has asked me to convey part of that vision to you.

Prosperity Through Technology
Designing and building of 21st century technology that can create jobs and improve education and commerce.

How can we use technology?
By building an improved Data and Communications infra-structure. 
By Building State of the Art Data Centers

With the creation of a fiber-optic backbone, we can connect these Data Centers and digitally connect the DR Congo to the world. 

The Building of Large Data centers with the right technology will draw companies like Amazon, Google, Yahoo, Netflix and many others to use the DR Congo as a launching pad for their products. 

There is a Fiber-optic ring that circles the continent of Africa. This terrestrial high speed fiber-optic cable that serves the coasts of Africa can be used for international communications. 

Attaching to this Fiber-optic cable opens up the world to the DR Congo. 

This fiber-optic backbone can start the building of communications between businesses, schools, fire departments, law enforcement, government agencies, medical facilities and the people. The list goes on.

With this infrastructure in place you can layer other technologies.

One example is the building of Microwave radio towers from the Data Centers to reach out to the less developed parts of the country until the fiber reaches these areas. 

Microwave radio towers can help connect the people, schools and business together in remote regions.

You may ask, Why do we need technology?
The world industries of today are built on technology.
Technology is used to effectively guide their organizations into the future.

For businesses to remain competitive they will need to embrace new technologies to advance. 

How can Technology Help: Here are a couple of examples. 
With Data Centers and the High speed data infrastructure in place, we can reach schools, teacher and student like never before. 

Teachers will have educational tools from anywhere in the world. Students can find answers to question at their finger tips. 

For those student in remote areas,
We can reach them with remote teaching. Teachers can help educate with tools like real time audio and video to the remote areas.

Medical facilities and Hospitals will be able to communicate with each other and have Patient records digitally available.

Doctors will be able to consulate with other experts in their field face to face with Video conferencing. 

The use of technology can be used as Tools to empower the people and business in the DRC to grow their potential and tap into the entrepreneurial spirit of the Congolese people to create business to better their lives.

With your help, the DRC can become the Digital center of Africa !


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